Cova POS systems and Alpine IQ recently became partners in order to provide world-class experiences for customers across online (Dutchie, Shopify, WooCommerce) and in-store purchase flows.
With Alpine IQ and Cova you are able to seamlessly deploy loyalty/ club membership tracking and on-boarding across all order types and multi-store, multi-province/ state hubs. Order analytics and customer engagements can be mapped to Alpine IQ store names so that you have clean usable data that instantly works to trigger promotional SMS campaigns.
To connect Cova all you need to do is go to your Alpine IQ left navigation bar and click “Connect data” -> Select Cova from the list of sources -> enter your API credentials -> save”. We will then pull in historical orders + customer records and you can then map Cova store names to Alpine IQ names under your store settings page. Once that is complete, your analysis insights will update to consolidate users and de-dupe them from your other data sources.
The Cova integration also allows you to sync unknown contact fields from Alpine IQ personas back to Cova customer records on in-store tablets. This ensures that no matter where a user comes from into your network, they will be seamlessly available across all store hubs and Alpine IQ integrations. This is particularly useful when migrating club members from other vendors.
We continue to innovate alongside our partners and hope to offer even more advanced functionalities with Cova in the future.
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